Congratulations! As a partner of The Go Fund, we have committed to paying your monthly student debt payments until they are 100% gone while you serve long-term among the unreached. We are grateful to be partnered with you to see the gospel reach the unreached for the first time!


As a partner of The Go Fund we expect you are

  1. Growing in love for and obedience to Jesus Christ

  2. Obediently making disciples of Jesus Christ

  3. Active in service and commitment to a local church body

  4. Making monthly minimum payments on your student loans (until you reach the field)

  5. Maintaining Communication with Program Coordinator leading up to your departure and once on the field as necessary

  6. Concluding the mobilization process with a departure call (one month before departure)


Before you leave for the field you will need complete the mobilization phase of The Go Fund’s process. Before completing your mobilization call with the Program Coordinator, please download and review the documents below. When you are ready to submit your mobilization documents you can do so using the submit button below.

If you ever need to re-download the mobilization documents you can do so on this page.

If you have any questions, please email our Program Coordinator, Ashley Dominick.